- New York Hall of Science
- New York Hospital
- New York Philharmonic
- New York Public Radio
- New York University School of Law
- New York University School of Medicine
- New Yorkers for Parks
- North Florida Land Trust
- Northlight Theatre
- Northwestern Memorial Foundation
- NYU Medical Center – Research
- Oakland Museum of California
- Omaha Performing Arts Society
- Opera Colorado
- Opera Philadelphia
- Opera Theatre of St. Louis
- Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
- Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- Oregon Symphony
- Oregon Tech Foundation
- Oregon Zoo Foundation
- Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra
- Oswego College Foundation, Inc. (SUNY Oswego)
- Overture Center for the Arts
- Pace University
- Pacific Northwest Ballet
- Pacific Symphony
- Packer Collegiate Institute
- Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, Inc.
- Partners HealthCare
- Partnership for the Homeless
- Pasadena Playhouse State Theatre of California
- Peace Center for the Performing Arts
- Pennsylvania Ballet
- Performing Arts Fort Worth
- Perot Museum of Nature & Science
- Philabundance
- Philadelphia Ballet
- Philadelphia Live Arts & Fringe Festival
- Philadelphia Museum of Art
- Philadelphia Zoo
- Philbrook Museum of Art
- Philharmonic Society of Orange County
- Philly Pops
- Phoenix House Foundation
- Phoenix Symphony
- Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
- Pittsburgh CLO
- Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Consortium
- Pittsburgh Opera
- Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
- Playwrights Horizons
- Portland Center Stage
- Portland State University
- Providence College
- Purchase College
- Rainforest Alliance
- Re:Gender
- Redeemer Presbyterian Church
- Reformed Church in America
- Riley Children’s Foundation
- Rocking Horse Community Health Center
- Rollins College
- Round House Theatre
- Roundabout Theatre Company
- Royal Shakespeare Company
- Saint Louis Science Center
- Salt Lake County Center for the Arts / ArtTix
- San Diego Opera
- San Diego Repertory Theatre
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation
- San Francisco Ballet
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
- San Francisco Opera
- San Francisco Performances
- Santa Fe Opera
- Sarasota Opera
- Sarasota Performing Arts Center Foundation, Inc.
- Science Museum of Minnesota
- Scott Community College
- Scottsdale Arts
- Scripps College
- Scripps Foundation for Medicine & Science
- Seattle Art Museum
- Seattle Opera
- Seattle Repertory Theatre
- Seattle Symphony
- Seeds of Peace
- Segerstrom Center for the Arts
- Serving in Mission (SIM), USA
- Seton Hall University
- Shands HealthCare
- Sharon Lynne Wilson Center
- Sharp HealthCare Foundation
- Shaw Festival Theatre
- Shelburne Museum
- Signature Theatre (VA)
- Sinclair College
- Sisters of Charity
- Skin Cancer Foundation
- Smile Train
- Smithsonian American Art Museum